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While others try to figure out the how-to, we make it happen.

If you're entirely new to the wide world of carpeting, the very basics will obviously start with different types of carpets. Once you've determined whether you'd prefer carpet tiles or wall-to-wall carpeting you will need to determine the method of carpet manufacture that best suits your needs. With options like cut pile, loop pile, multi-level cut pile and combinations of each of these styles, as well as numerous twists on each method, you'll have no shortage of choices to make.

Whether you eventually decide on a plush carpet for a family room, berber for the kid's room or embossed for your home office, DJB Flooring has the answers you need to make an informed purchase. We have the product knowledge and installation expertise for just about every flooring surface fit for walking.

Click the thumbnails to view our latest projects.

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